about 24 hours ago


Deployment Offering

Amazon Web Services Public AMIs for Bitnami package for GitLab CE

Trademarks: This software listing is packaged by Bitnami. The respective trademarks mentioned in the offering are owned by the respective companies, and use of them does not imply any affiliation or endorsement.

The following tables include information about the Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) available for Bitnami package for GitLab CE.

AWS Region Operating system GitLab CE version AMI
af-south-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-08447951c8e523b81
ap-east-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-0c50f11c37302c667
ap-northeast-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-0b9e0f03d6df3d285
ap-northeast-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-02b4265af770135e9
ap-northeast-3 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-0a3231067c880ffc0
ap-south-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-00a51f8d1646f26e6
ap-south-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-0440d1a5ffaa966ba
ap-southeast-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-09b0529fead93a5cf
ap-southeast-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-06fde6f17197cccf2
ap-southeast-3 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-07a8f46f85e81554c
ap-southeast-4 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-05330fa39a62a689a
ca-central-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-0f91d433c4d2298d4
eu-central-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-0cf86c0f363d517a7
eu-central-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-000deb72fd8b9a6d3
eu-north-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-08b98c00a8cf93e30
eu-south-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-0ff696e69fdd56a75
eu-south-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-04aa8c8164cf22f3e
eu-west-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-01885f25b4775518f
eu-west-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-0aac256e62b127b7d
eu-west-3 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-0684f4aed77e80bc4
me-central-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-0911603895c6e6241
me-south-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-0355228a8c96af5e1
sa-east-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-01fcaff165544e3e4
us-east-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-06b901f6c39440da3
us-east-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-002d97fb3f9cc6832
us-west-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-02f0748d5139863cc
us-west-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 16.11.0-ce.0-0 ami-033b73594aab2be6f