about 6 hours ago


Deployment Offering

Amazon Web Services Public AMIs for Bitnami package for Kong

Trademarks: This software listing is packaged by Bitnami. The respective trademarks mentioned in the offering are owned by the respective companies, and use of them does not imply any affiliation or endorsement.

The following tables include information about the Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) available for Bitnami package for Kong.

AWS Region Operating system Kong version AMI
af-south-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-090e1a147542fc813
ap-east-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-01a9957589d831123
ap-northeast-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-09aae42d1ae945ca5
ap-northeast-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-07c117d6085fcf4d6
ap-northeast-3 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-034b0ce1ec4ee49a3
ap-south-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-00b8b6ac155513fc0
ap-south-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-064037effe71d2a4d
ap-southeast-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-031cc5cee28aac341
ap-southeast-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-0ca716b7508bd423d
ap-southeast-3 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-004d5b93b51487a25
ap-southeast-4 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-00b68b0d582482d9e
ca-central-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-088b4c98ebfdd0138
ca-west-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-0dfd868da8ae0886f
eu-central-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-01c9503f710849683
eu-central-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-0ee709ba99f829979
eu-north-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-08469eba781726e1a
eu-south-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-07b84935abd5499c3
eu-south-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-0cd00050a4db98dd1
eu-west-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-0389a3353bb226adb
eu-west-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-075b0f828d9f29f93
eu-west-3 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-03cf708607dd5c868
il-central-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-0987d3223fd1e13c8
me-central-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-0e877ffa92510f0bb
me-south-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-0baa260b8a84d47a3
sa-east-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-08b5499efccc1d56d
us-east-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-02b6605412c974438
us-east-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-0be114f0025348a2e
us-west-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-03241992484031b63
us-west-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 3.9.0-0 ami-058671f8cf947a8f6