Deployment Offering

Amazon Web Services Public AMIs for Bitnami package for JFrog Artifactory Open Source

Trademarks: This software listing is packaged by Bitnami. The respective trademarks mentioned in the offering are owned by the respective companies, and use of them does not imply any affiliation or endorsement.

The following tables include information about the Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) available for Bitnami package for JFrog Artifactory Open Source.

AWS Region Operating system JFrog Artifactory Open Source version AMI
af-south-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-085bf9abaceff30f6
ap-east-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-02dc1d1efda71cfd5
ap-northeast-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-0733c4f38740a4d2c
ap-northeast-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-01df467144a5049b0
ap-northeast-3 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-0978030639b97c644
ap-south-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-00add234e1ac5bf2f
ap-south-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-03f83fbf180527e14
ap-southeast-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-046b22358eb2ae37f
ap-southeast-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-0c636c31294b64f47
ap-southeast-3 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-06b43d19f9c0b1c8b
ap-southeast-4 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-08fd90e7e9f6ed61b
ca-central-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-04b338aa8ce32178f
ca-west-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-077c854b1abcf826e
eu-central-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-00e333c54e4b1eda2
eu-central-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-0617fa891ebcd3b97
eu-north-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-0d181b24d0aa76317
eu-south-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-0a9860b920dd2c946
eu-south-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-070727c69eb61ebbe
eu-west-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-06bab9fb72a94c7e5
eu-west-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-0502e504651f2757d
eu-west-3 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-035f18bc298282ad4
il-central-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-03b3e73c9fafc1050
me-central-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-083489e47c0d8bf15
me-south-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-00a0dc956349aac91
sa-east-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-07c20a5be7a56946d
us-east-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-0088871727c414a4a
us-east-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-0efa2e0e042e8ddda
us-west-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-0dc1923a6a4af296e
us-west-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.104.12-0 ami-08729761659047bf8