about 4 hours ago


Deployment Offering

Amazon Web Services Public AMIs for Bitnami package for MEAN

Trademarks: This software listing is packaged by Bitnami. The respective trademarks mentioned in the offering are owned by the respective companies, and use of them does not imply any affiliation or endorsement.

The following tables include information about the Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) available for Bitnami package for MEAN.

AWS Region Operating system MEAN version AMI
af-south-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-0494b6313f2526315
ap-east-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-0d10b18021d10f2d7
ap-northeast-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-0e101f3f69e029967
ap-northeast-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-0c770c8df4d9f2bc5
ap-northeast-3 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-0048868a25206e223
ap-south-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-0bca6b20ca3399a6c
ap-south-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-0bcc40a4ca6e5731a
ap-southeast-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-06190418cb3be1acd
ap-southeast-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-0723520032829985d
ap-southeast-3 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-075d7f5468cb070de
ap-southeast-4 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-0237d66f29446d7bc
ca-central-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-0be23720a57f1be88
eu-central-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-004489ebd3b9d55ec
eu-central-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-0ad646418c40c822c
eu-north-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-0bdbfd2106192631f
eu-south-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-00f194b57bec927bb
eu-south-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-0e4da6e079f9db332
eu-west-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-0c917dbca03d356bb
eu-west-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-09f8d4ee43ad9e9a9
eu-west-3 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-071c7808a13187065
me-central-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-09e5759dfa6e8abc5
me-south-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-032a76c97b6050530
sa-east-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-0a22bf5ddcc2290bc
us-east-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-048893e08468de301
us-east-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-0bd2c2aaa414ce75f
us-west-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-0014fb5e079d31718
us-west-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 7.0.8-3 ami-06227d0a185e1cf30