20 days ago


Deployment Offering

Amazon Web Services Public AMIs for Bitnami package for Parse Server

Trademarks: This software listing is packaged by Bitnami. The respective trademarks mentioned in the offering are owned by the respective companies, and use of them does not imply any affiliation or endorsement.

The following tables include information about the Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) available for Bitnami package for Parse Server.

AWS Region Operating system Parse Server version AMI
af-south-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-0862c872740320c27
ap-east-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-05b419e2f8e5af9ad
ap-northeast-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-0d8cab09467f39ddc
ap-northeast-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-0aabd43c0eb4a8c88
ap-northeast-3 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-0f7cad8cbc48b1efb
ap-south-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-0e717674b12d36d4b
ap-south-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-09df7bda211ba4111
ap-southeast-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-03e409bcd12078fc1
ap-southeast-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-0e363e9933cb05ccf
ap-southeast-3 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-037e5341fbf0deb00
ap-southeast-4 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-0c0144b61a320ec4d
ca-central-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-0b313bcf15b80beb2
eu-central-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-00581ff488f5bd915
eu-central-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-0bf37b99aeae87f35
eu-north-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-0d8d8c1218d2ea8d5
eu-south-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-0ee1d367d9522efca
eu-south-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-01bbb6004433b9d41
eu-west-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-0a3868303bed00f00
eu-west-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-083e68aa9aca37beb
eu-west-3 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-0a57d131aabe4fb5d
me-central-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-020dff90751cb8993
me-south-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-00cdda9ef7b5e3e69
sa-east-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-0338d12ccbd8f0a2a
us-east-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-0c62e96f9a170067c
us-east-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-021237e8d84e40e0b
us-west-1 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-0eb4b7ec2b81dc14a
us-west-2 Debian 12 (64-bit) 6.5.5-0 ami-09a9e6b412c26ced1