Products in Apache 2.0

Multus CNI    Multus CNI stack link

Multus is a CNI plugin for Kubernetes clusters. Written in Go, features adding multiple network interfaces to pods. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

MySQL Server Exporter    MySQL Server Exporter stack link

MySQL Server Exporter gathers MySQL Server metrics for Prometheus consumption. more

Categories Analytics
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

NATS    NATS stack link

NATS is an open source, lightweight and high-performance messaging system. It is ideal for distributed systems and supports modern cloud architectures and pub-sub, request-reply and queuing models. more

Categories Infrastructure, Developer Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

NATS CLI    NATS CLI stack link

NATS CLI is a command-line tool for interacting with NATS clusters. NATS is an open source, lightweight and high-performance messaging system more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

NATS Exporter    NATS Exporter stack link

A Prometheus exporter for NATS metrics. more

Categories Analytics
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Nessie    Nessie stack link

Nessie is an open-source version control system for data lakes, enabling isolated data experimentation before committing changes. more

Categories Analytics
Technologies Java
Licenses Apache 2.0

Nessie Utils    Nessie Utils stack link

Nessie Utils contains the tools nessie-cli, nessie-gc and nessie-admin-server-tool. Nessie is an open-source version control system for data lakes. more

Categories Analytics
Technologies Java
Licenses Apache 2.0

NGINX Exporter    NGINX Exporter stack link

NGINX Prometheus exporter makes it possible to monitor NGINX or NGINX Plus using Prometheus. more

Categories Analytics
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Notation    Notation stack link

Notation is a CLI project to add signatures as standard items in the OCI registry ecosystem, and to build a set of simple tooling for signing and verifying these signatures. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

OpenSearch    OpenSearch stack link

OpenSearch is a scalable open-source solution for search, analytics, and observability. Features full-text queries, natural language processing, custom dictionaries, amongst others. more

Categories Analytics, Search
Technologies Java
Licenses Apache 2.0

OpenSearch Dashboards    OpenSearch Dashboards stack link

OpenSearch Dashboards is a visualization tool for OpenSearch installations. OpenSearch is a scalable open-source solution for search, analytics, and observability. more

Categories Analytics, Search
Technologies NodeJS
Licenses Apache 2.0

OS Shell + Utility    OS Shell + Utility stack link

OS Shell + Utility is a general-purpose minimal image, well-suited for helper tasks such as running initialization in initContainers from Helm charts. more

Categories Developer Tools
Licenses Apache 2.0

Pinniped    Pinniped stack link

Pinniped is an identity service provider for Kubernetes. It supplies a consistent and unified login experience across all your clusters. Pinniped is securely integrated with enterprise IDP protocols. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Pinniped CLI    Pinniped CLI stack link

Pinniped CLI is a command-line utility for interacting with Pinniped. Pinniped is an identity service provider for Kubernetes. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

PostgreSQL Exporter    PostgreSQL Exporter stack link

PostgreSQL Exporter gathers PostgreSQL metrics for Prometheus consumption. more

Categories Analytics
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Prometheus Operator    Prometheus Operator stack link

Prometheus Operator provides easy monitoring definitions for Kubernetes services and deployment and management of Prometheus instances. more

Categories Analytics, Monitoring
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Prometheus RSocket Proxy    Prometheus RSocket Proxy stack link

Prometheus RSocket Proxy is a collection of resources used to get application metrics into Prometheus without ingress. It preserves the pull model by using RSocket bidirectional persistent RPC. more

Categories Infrastructure, Developer Tools, Monitoring
Technologies Java, Spring Framework
Licenses Apache 2.0

PyMilvus    PyMilvus stack link

PyMilvus is a Python-based SDK for Milvus. Milvus is a cloud-native, open-source vector database solution for AI applications and similarity search more

Categories Infrastructure, Database
Technologies Python
Licenses Apache 2.0

Ray    Ray stack link

Ray is a Python library for scaling AI and Python applications. Provides an API and consists of a core distributed runtime and a set of AI libraries for simplifying ML compute more

Categories Machine Learning
Technologies Python
Licenses Apache 2.0

Sealed Secrets    Sealed Secrets stack link

Sealed Secrets are "one-way" encrypted K8s Secrets that can be created by anyone, but can only be decrypted by the controller running in the target cluster recovering the original object. more

Categories Application Security, Developer Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Kubeseal (Sealed Secrets)    Kubeseal (Sealed Secrets) stack link

Kubeseal is a CLI utility that uses asymmetric cryptography to encrypt secrets that only the Sealed Secrets controller can decrypt. more

Categories Application Security, Developer Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

SeaweedFS    SeaweedFS stack link

SeaweedFS is a simple and highly scalable distributed file system. more

Categories Infrastructure, DevOps Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Apache Spark    Apache Spark stack link

Apache Spark is a high-performance engine for large-scale computing tasks, such as data processing, machine learning and real-time data streaming. It includes APIs for Java, Python, Scala and R. more

Categories Machine Learning, Infrastructure
Technologies Python, Java, R
Licenses Apache 2.0

Spring Cloud Data Flow    Spring Cloud Data Flow stack link

Spring Cloud Data Flow is a microservices-based toolkit for building streaming and batch data processing pipelines in Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes. more

Categories Infrastructure, Developer Tools
Technologies Java, Spring Framework
Licenses Apache 2.0

SCDF Composed Task Runner    SCDF Composed Task Runner stack link

The Spring Cloud Composed Task Runner is a helper used by the Data Flow server to parse a directed graph DSL, launch the task definition specified in an instance, and check task completion status. more

Categories Infrastructure, Developer Tools
Technologies Java, Spring Framework
Licenses Apache 2.0

Spring Cloud Data Flow Shell    Spring Cloud Data Flow Shell stack link

Spring Cloud Data Flow Shell is a tool for interacting with the Spring Cloud Data Flow server. more

Categories Infrastructure, Developer Tools
Technologies Java, Spring Framework
Licenses Apache 2.0

Spring Cloud Skipper    Spring Cloud Skipper stack link

A package manager that installs, upgrades, and rolls back Spring Boot applications on multiple Cloud Platforms. Skipper can be used as part of implementing the practice of Continuous Deployment. more

Categories Infrastructure, Developer Tools
Technologies Java, Spring Framework
Licenses Apache 2.0

Spring Cloud Skipper Shell    Spring Cloud Skipper Shell stack link

Spring Cloud Skipper Shell is a tool for interacting with the Spring Cloud Data Skipper server. more

Categories Infrastructure, Developer Tools
Technologies Java, Spring Framework
Licenses Apache 2.0

StatsD exporter    StatsD exporter stack link

StatsD exporter receives StatsD-style metrics and exports them as Prometheus metrics. more

Categories Infrastructure, Analytics
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Apache Superset    Apache Superset stack link

Superset is a modern data exploration and data visualization platform. more

Categories Analytics
Licenses Apache 2.0