Products in Apache 2.0

Apache Airflow    Apache Airflow stack link

Apache Airflow is a tool to express and execute workflows as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). It includes utilities to schedule tasks, monitor task progress and handle task dependencies. more

Categories Workflow, Business Process Management, Infrastructure
Licenses Apache 2.0

Apache APISIX    Apache APISIX stack link

Apache APISIX is high-performance, real-time API Gateway. Features load balancing, dynamic upstream, canary release, circuit breaking, authentication, observability, amongst others. more

Categories Developer Tools, Infrastructure
Technologies Lua
Licenses Apache 2.0

Apache APISIX Ingress Controller    Apache APISIX Ingress Controller stack link

Apache APISIX Ingress Controller integrates Apache APISIX in Kubernetes installations via the Ingress resource. Supports plugins and load balancing, amongst others. more

Categories Developer Tools, Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Appsmith    Appsmith stack link

Appsmith is an open source platform for building and maintaining internal tools, such as custom dashboards, admin panels or CRUD apps. more

Categories Developer Tools
Technologies Java, NodeJS
Licenses Apache 2.0

ArangoDB    ArangoDB stack link

ArangoDB is a scalable multi-model database supporting graph, document, and key-value data models. It offers high performance, flexible data modeling, and a powerful query language. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies C++
Licenses Apache 2.0

Argo Workflows    Argo Workflows stack link

Argo Workflows is meant to orchestrate Kubernetes jobs in parallel. It uses DAG and step-based workflows more

Categories Workflow, Infrastructure
Licenses Apache 2.0

Attu    Attu stack link

Attu is an administration tool for Milvus installations. Provides a dashboard for performing searches, managing users and collections. more

Categories Infrastructure, Database
Technologies JavaScript
Licenses Apache 2.0

AWS CLI    AWS CLI stack link

The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) allows you to manage your AWS services from a single tool. Use it to control multiple services and automate actions through scripts. more

Categories Developer Tools
Technologies Python
Licenses Apache 2.0

Cassandra Exporter    Cassandra Exporter stack link

Cassandra exporter is a standalone application which exports Apache Cassandra metrics through a prometheus friendly endpoint. more

Categories Analytics
Technologies Java
Licenses Apache 2.0

Chainloop    Chainloop stack link

Chainloop is an open-source Software Supply Chain control plane, a single source of truth for metadata and artifacts, plus a declarative attestation process. more

Categories Application Security, DevOps Tools
Licenses Apache 2.0

Chainloop Artifact CAS    Chainloop Artifact CAS stack link

The artifact proxy is a Content-Addressable Storage (CAS) Proxy that sits in front of different storage backends. more

Categories Application Security
Licenses Apache 2.0

Chainloop Control Plane migrations    Chainloop Control Plane migrations stack link

Atlas-based database migration controller for Chainloop. more

Categories Application Security
Licenses Apache 2.0

charts-syncer    charts-syncer stack link

charts-syncer is a CLI that syncs chart packages and associated container images between chart repositories. more

Categories Developer Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Cilium    Cilium stack link

Cilium is an eBPF-based networking, observability, and security for Linux container management platforms like Docker and Kubernetes. more

Categories Infrastructure, DevOps Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Cilium Operator    Cilium Operator stack link

In Cilium, the Cilium Operator is responsible for managing duties that should logically be handled at cluster level. more

Categories Infrastructure, DevOps Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Cilium Proxy    Cilium Proxy stack link

Cilium Proxy ships Envoy with minimal extensions and Cilium policy enforcement filters. more

Categories Infrastructure, DevOps Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

ClickHouse    ClickHouse stack link

ClickHouse is an open-source column-oriented OLAP database management system. Use it to boost your database performance while providing linear scalability and hardware efficiency. more

Categories Database, Infrastructure
Technologies C++
Licenses Apache 2.0

CloudNativePG    CloudNativePG stack link

CloudNativePG is an open-source tool for managing PostgreSQL databases on Kubernetes, from setup to ongoing upkeep. more

Categories Database
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Concourse    Concourse stack link

Concourse is an automation system written in Go. It is most commonly used for CI/CD, and is built to scale to any kind of automation pipeline, from simple to complex. more

Categories Continuous Integration, Infrastructure
Licenses Apache 2.0

ConfigMap Reload    ConfigMap Reload stack link

ConfigMap Reload is a cloud-native tool that watches Kubernetes ConfigMaps and triggers a reload when ConfigMaps are updated more

Categories Infrastructure, Developer Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Consul Exporter    Consul Exporter stack link

Export Consul service health to Prometheus. more

Categories Analytics
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Cosign    Cosign stack link

Cosign supports container signing, verification, and storage in an OCI registry. Written in Go, it aims to make signatures invisible infrastructure. more

Categories Infrastructure, Developer Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

DeepSpeed    DeepSpeed stack link

DeepSpeed is deep learning software suite for empowering ChatGPT-like model training. Features dense or sparse model inference, high throughput and high compression. more

Categories Machine Learning
Technologies Python
Licenses Apache 2.0

Dremio    Dremio stack link

Dremio is an open-source self-service data access tool that provides high-performance queries for interactive analytics on data lakes. more

Categories Analytics
Technologies Java
Licenses Apache 2.0

Envoy    Envoy stack link

Envoy is a distributed, high-performance proxy for cloud-native applications. It features a small memory footprint, universal application language compatibility, and supports http/2 and gRPC. more

Categories Application Server
Technologies C++
Licenses Apache 2.0

Apache Flink    Apache Flink stack link

Apache Flink is a framework and distributed processing engine for stateful computations over unbounded and bounded data streams. more

Categories Developer Tools, Framework
Technologies Java, Apache Maven, NodeJS
Licenses Apache 2.0

Flux    Flux stack link

Source Controller is a component of Flux. Flux is a tool for keeping Kubernetes clusters in sync with sources of configuration. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Flux Helm Controller    Flux Helm Controller stack link

Helm Controller is a component of Flux. Flux is a tool for keeping Kubernetes clusters in sync with sources of configuration. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Flux Image Automation Controller    Flux Image Automation Controller stack link

Image Automation Controller is a component of Flux. Flux is a tool for keeping Kubernetes clusters in sync with sources of configuration. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Flux Image Reflector Controller    Flux Image Reflector Controller stack link

Image Reflector Controller is a component of Flux. Flux is a tool for keeping Kubernetes clusters in sync with sources of configuration. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0