Products in Go

Apache APISIX Dashboard    Apache APISIX Dashboard stack link

Apache APISIX Dashboard is a component of the Apache APISIX chart. Apache APISIX is a high performance API Gateway. The Dashboard allows users to operate Apache APISIX through a frontend interface. more

Categories Developer Tools, Infrastructure
Technologies Go

Apache APISIX Ingress Controller    Apache APISIX Ingress Controller stack link

Apache APISIX Ingress Controller integrates Apache APISIX in Kubernetes installations via the Ingress resource. Supports plugins and load balancing, amongst others. more

Categories Developer Tools, Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Apache Exporter    Apache Exporter stack link

Apache Exporter gathers statistics from the mod_status Apache module via HTTP for Prometheus consumption. more

Categories Analytics
Technologies Go
Licenses MIT

ArangoDB Kubernetes Operator    ArangoDB Kubernetes Operator stack link

kube-arangodb is a Kubernetes Operator that manages ArangoDB clusters, ensuring automatic deployment, scaling, and healing of database instances. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go

CA Injector    CA Injector stack link

CA Injector is a command-line tool that configures the CA certificates for cert-manager webhooks. more

Categories Certificate Authority, Developer Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

cert-manager Webhook    cert-manager Webhook stack link

cert-manager Webhook provides dynamic admission control over cert-manager resources using a webhook server. more

Categories Certificate Authority, Developer Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

charts-syncer    charts-syncer stack link

charts-syncer is a CLI that syncs chart packages and associated container images between chart repositories. more

Categories Developer Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Cilium    Cilium stack link

Cilium is an eBPF-based networking, observability, and security for Linux container management platforms like Docker and Kubernetes. more

Categories Infrastructure, DevOps Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Cilium Operator    Cilium Operator stack link

In Cilium, the Cilium Operator is responsible for managing duties that should logically be handled at cluster level. more

Categories Infrastructure, DevOps Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Cilium Proxy    Cilium Proxy stack link

Cilium Proxy ships Envoy with minimal extensions and Cilium policy enforcement filters. more

Categories Infrastructure, DevOps Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

CloudNativePG    CloudNativePG stack link

CloudNativePG is an open-source tool for managing PostgreSQL databases on Kubernetes, from setup to ongoing upkeep. more

Categories Database
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

ConfigMap Reload    ConfigMap Reload stack link

ConfigMap Reload is a cloud-native tool that watches Kubernetes ConfigMaps and triggers a reload when ConfigMaps are updated more

Categories Infrastructure, Developer Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

HashiCorp Consul    HashiCorp Consul stack link

HashiCorp Consul is a tool for discovering and configuring services in your infrastructure. more

Categories Infrastructure, Developer Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses MPL

Consul Exporter    Consul Exporter stack link

Export Consul service health to Prometheus. more

Categories Analytics
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Contour    Contour stack link

Contour is an open source Kubernetes ingress controller that works by deploying the Envoy proxy as a reverse proxy and load balancer. more

Categories Infrastructure, DevOps Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

Cosign    Cosign stack link

Cosign supports container signing, verification, and storage in an OCI registry. Written in Go, it aims to make signatures invisible infrastructure. more

Categories Infrastructure, Developer Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Dex    Dex stack link

Dex is an identity provider for applications. It is based on the OpenID Connect standard. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

Elasticsearch Exporter    Elasticsearch Exporter stack link

Prometheus exporter for various metrics about Elasticsearch, written in Go. more

Categories Analytics
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

Etcd    Etcd stack link

etcd is a distributed key-value store designed to securely store data across a cluster. etcd is widely used in production on account of its reliability, fault-tolerance and ease of use. more

Categories NoSQL, Database, Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

ExternalDNS    ExternalDNS stack link

ExternalDNS is a Kubernetes addon that configures public DNS servers with information about exposed Kubernetes services to make them discoverable. more

Categories Infrastructure, Developer Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

Flux    Flux stack link

Source Controller is a component of Flux. Flux is a tool for keeping Kubernetes clusters in sync with sources of configuration. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Flux Helm Controller    Flux Helm Controller stack link

Helm Controller is a component of Flux. Flux is a tool for keeping Kubernetes clusters in sync with sources of configuration. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Flux Image Automation Controller    Flux Image Automation Controller stack link

Image Automation Controller is a component of Flux. Flux is a tool for keeping Kubernetes clusters in sync with sources of configuration. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Flux Image Reflector Controller    Flux Image Reflector Controller stack link

Image Reflector Controller is a component of Flux. Flux is a tool for keeping Kubernetes clusters in sync with sources of configuration. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Flux Notification Controller    Flux Notification Controller stack link

Notification Controller is a component of Flux. Flux is a tool for keeping Kubernetes clusters in sync with sources of configuration. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Flux Kustomize Controller    Flux Kustomize Controller stack link

Kustomize Controller is a component of Flux. Flux is a tool for keeping Kubernetes clusters in sync with sources of configuration. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache 2.0

Gitea    Gitea stack link

Gitea is a lightweight code hosting solution. Written in Go, features low resource consumption, easy upgrades and multiple databases. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses MIT

Gitlab Runner    Gitlab Runner stack link

Gitlab Runner is an auxiliary application for Gitlab installations. Written in Go, it allows to run CI/CD jobs and send the results back to Gitlab. more

Categories Developer Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses MIT

Gitlab Runner Helper    Gitlab Runner Helper stack link

Gitlab Runner Helper is an auxiliary container to be used with Gitlab Runner. Gitlab Runner allows to run CI/CD jobs and send the results back to Gitlab. more

Categories Developer Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses MIT

Golang    Golang stack link

Go is an object oriented programming language with sensible primitives, static typing and reflection. It also supports packages for efficient management of dependencies. more

Categories Framework, Developer Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses BSD