Products in Apache2

Argo CD    Argo CD stack link

Argo CD is a continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes based on GitOps. more

Categories Continuous Integration, Developer Tools, Infrastructure
Licenses Apache2

Argo Workflow Controller    Argo Workflow Controller stack link

Argo Workflow Controller is the controller component for the Argo Workflows engine, which is meant to orchestrate Kubernetes jobs in parallel. more

Categories Workflow, Infrastructure
Licenses Apache2

Argo Workflow Executor    Argo Workflow Executor stack link

Argo Workflow Executor is the executor component for the Argo Workflows engine, which is meant to orchestrate Kubernetes jobs in parallel. more

Categories Workflow, Infrastructure
Licenses Apache2

CA Injector    CA Injector stack link

CA Injector is a command-line tool that configures the CA certificates for cert-manager webhooks. more

Categories Certificate Authority, Developer Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

Apache Cassandra    Apache Cassandra stack link

Apache Cassandra is an open source distributed database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many servers, providing high availability with no single point of failure. more

Categories NoSQL, Database, Infrastructure
Technologies Java
Licenses Apache2

cert-manager Webhook    cert-manager Webhook stack link

cert-manager Webhook provides dynamic admission control over cert-manager resources using a webhook server. more

Categories Certificate Authority, Developer Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

Contour    Contour stack link

Contour is an open source Kubernetes ingress controller that works by deploying the Envoy proxy as a reverse proxy and load balancer. more

Categories Infrastructure, DevOps Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

CouchDB    CouchDB stack link

CouchDB is an open source NoSQL database that stores your data with JSON documents, which you can access via HTTP. It allows you to index, combine, and transform your documents with JavaScript. more

Categories NoSQL, Database, Infrastructure
Technologies Erlang, SpiderMonkey
Licenses Apache2

Dex    Dex stack link

Dex is an identity provider for applications. It is based on the OpenID Connect standard. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

Elasticsearch Exporter    Elasticsearch Exporter stack link

Prometheus exporter for various metrics about Elasticsearch, written in Go. more

Categories Analytics
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

Etcd    Etcd stack link

etcd is a distributed key-value store designed to securely store data across a cluster. etcd is widely used in production on account of its reliability, fault-tolerance and ease of use. more

Categories NoSQL, Database, Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

ExternalDNS    ExternalDNS stack link

ExternalDNS is a Kubernetes addon that configures public DNS servers with information about exposed Kubernetes services to make them discoverable. more

Categories Infrastructure, Developer Tools
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

Gradle    Gradle stack link

Gradle is an open source automation tool to compile, deploy, and package software for any platform. It supports multiple languages such as Java, C/C++, and JavaScript. more

Categories Developer Tools
Technologies Java, C, C++, JavaScript
Licenses Apache2

Grafana    Grafana stack link

Grafana is an open source metric analytics and visualization suite for visualizing time series data that supports various types of data sources. more

Categories Analytics, Developer Tools, Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

Harbor    Harbor stack link

Harbor is an open source trusted cloud-native registry to store, sign, and scan content. It adds functionalities like security, identity, and management to the open source Docker distribution. more

Categories Infrastructure, Application Security
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

Harbor Core    Harbor Core stack link

Harbor Core is one of the main components of Harbor: a cloud native registry that stores, signs, and scans content. Harbor Core includes core functionalities such as token and webhook management. more

Categories Infrastructure, Application Security
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

Jsonnet    Jsonnet stack link

Jsonnet is a data templating language for application and tool developers, based on JSON. more

Categories Framework
Technologies Jsonnet, C++
Licenses Apache2

Apache Kafka    Apache Kafka stack link

Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform designed to build real-time pipelines and can be used as a message broker or as a replacement for a log aggregation solution for big data applications. more

Categories Infrastructure, Developer Tools
Technologies Java
Licenses Apache2

Kong    Kong stack link

Kong is an open source Microservice API gateway and platform designed for managing microservices requests of high-availability, fault-tolerance, and distributed systems. more

Categories Developer Tools, Cache, Middleware
Licenses Apache2

Kong Ingress Controller    Kong Ingress Controller stack link

Kong Ingress Controller is an Ingress controller that manages external access to HTTP services in a Kubernetes cluster using the Kong API Gateway. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

Kubeapps AppRepository Controller    Kubeapps AppRepository Controller stack link

Kubeapps AppRepository Controller is one of the main components of Kubeapps, a Web-based application deployment and management tool for Kubernetes clusters. This controller monitors resources. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

Kubeapps Asset Syncer    Kubeapps Asset Syncer stack link

Kubeapps Asset Syncer is one of the main components of Kubeapps, a Web-based application deployment and management tool for Kubernetes clusters. It scans a chart repository and populates its metadata. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

Logstash    Logstash stack link

Logstash is an open source data processing engine. It ingests data from multiple sources, processes it, and sends the output to final destination in real-time. It is a core component of the ELK stack. more

Categories Log Management
Technologies Java
Licenses Apache2

MEAN    MEAN stack link

MEAN is an open source software stack that provides a framework for creating dynamic websites and applications with ease. Its core components are MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.js. more

Categories Developer Tools, Infrastructure
Technologies Git, MongoDB, node.js, Express, AngularJS, Apache
Licenses Apache2

MetalLB    MetalLB stack link

MetalLB is a load-balancer implementation for bare metal Kubernetes clusters, using standard routing protocols. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

MetalLB Speaker    MetalLB Speaker stack link

MetalLB is a load-balancer that allows enabling "LoadBalancer" service addresses in any bare-metal Kubernetes installation. MetalLB speaker is in charge of IP advertisement. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

NGINX Ingress Controller    NGINX Ingress Controller stack link

NGINX Ingress Controller is an Ingress controller that manages external access to HTTP services in a Kubernetes cluster using NGINX. more

Categories Infrastructure
Technologies Go
Licenses Apache2

TensorFlow ResNet    TensorFlow ResNet stack link

TensorFlow ResNet is a client utility for use with TensorFlow Serving and ResNet models. more

Categories Machine Learning, Infrastructure
Technologies Python
Licenses Apache2

TensorFlow Serving    TensorFlow Serving stack link

TensorFlow Serving is an open source high-performance system for serving machine learning models. It allows programmers to easily deploy algorithms and experiments without changing the architecture. more

Categories Machine Learning, Infrastructure
Technologies Python
Licenses Apache2

Apache ZooKeeper    Apache ZooKeeper stack link

Apache ZooKeeper provides a reliable, centralized register of configuration data and services for distributed applications. more

Categories Infrastructure
Licenses Apache2