Products in Redis

Discourse(R)    Discourse(R) stack link

Discourse is an open source discussion platform with built-in moderation and governance systems that let discussion communities protect themselves from bad actors even without official moderators. more

Categories Forum
Technologies PostgreSQL, Redis, Ruby on Rails, Apache
Licenses GPL2

ERPNext    ERPNext stack link

ERPNext is an open source, web based application that helps small and medium sized business manage their accounting, inventory, sales, purchase, administration, project, customer support and website. more

Categories ERP, CRM
Technologies MySQL, Python, Git, Memcached, Apache, Redis
Licenses GPL3

GitLab CE    GitLab CE stack link

GitLab CE is an open source, cloud-based Git repository, and version control system. It allows DevOps teams to cover the full software development lifecycle from a single application. more

Categories Version Control, Developer Tools, Code Review
Technologies Ruby on Rails, Git, Redis, PostgreSQL, nginx
Licenses MIT

Redis(R)    Redis(R) stack link

Redis(R) is an open source, advanced key-value store. It is often referred to as a data structure server since keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets. more

Categories NoSQL, Database, Infrastructure
Technologies Redis
Licenses BSD3

Redis(R) Cluster    Redis(R) Cluster stack link

Redis(R) is an open source, scalable, distributed in-memory cache for applications. It can be used to store and serve data in the form of strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets. more

Categories NoSQL, Database, Infrastructure
Technologies Redis
Licenses BSD3

Valkey    Valkey stack link

Valkey is an open source (BSD) high-performance key/value datastore that supports a variety workloads such as caching, message queues, and can act as a primary database. more

Categories NoSQL, Database, Infrastructure
Technologies C, Redis
Licenses BSD3

Valkey Cluster    Valkey Cluster stack link

Valkey is an open source (BSD) high-performance key/value datastore that supports a variety workloads such as caching, message queues, and can act as a primary database. more

Categories NoSQL, Database, Infrastructure
Technologies C, Redis
Licenses BSD3

Valkey Sentinel    Valkey Sentinel stack link

Valkey Sentinel provides high availability for Valkey. Valkey Sentinel also provides other collateral tasks such as monitoring, notifications and acts as a configuration provider for clients. more

Categories NoSQL, Infrastructure
Technologies C, Redis
Licenses BSD3