Products in Ruby on Rails

Discourse(R)    Discourse(R) stack link

Discourse is an open source discussion platform with built-in moderation and governance systems that let discussion communities protect themselves from bad actors even without official moderators. more

Categories Forum
Technologies PostgreSQL, Redis, Ruby on Rails, Apache
Licenses GPL2

GitLab CE    GitLab CE stack link

GitLab CE is an open source, cloud-based Git repository, and version control system. It allows DevOps teams to cover the full software development lifecycle from a single application. more

Categories Version Control, Developer Tools, Code Review
Technologies Ruby on Rails, Git, Redis, PostgreSQL, nginx
Licenses MIT

Memcached    Memcached stack link

Memcached is an high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load. more

Categories Cache, Infrastructure
Technologies Memcached, Ruby on Rails
Licenses BSD3

Redmine    Redmine stack link

Redmine is an open source management application. It includes a tracking issue system, Gantt charts for a visual view of projects and deadlines, and supports SCM integration for version control. more

Categories Bug Tracking, Project Management, Developer Tools
Technologies Ruby on Rails, Phusion Passenger, Apache, MariaDB
Licenses GPL, Apache

Ruby    Ruby stack link

Ruby on Rails is a full-stack development environment optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity. It lets you write beautiful code by favoring convention over configuration. more

Categories Developer Tools, Infrastructure
Technologies Ruby on Rails, SQLite, nginx, Varnish, Phusion Passenger, Apache, MariaDB, rbenv